ClearTips: Powerful paragraphs
Summing up: Use a closing quotation
Sometimes someone else has already summed up
the message of your piece quite well. If so, use it.
In the meantime, expatriates like Bowles and McPhillips
cling stubbornly to their adopted city. "It still has this
attraction, this inexplicable ability to pull at your heart and
soul," McPhillips says. "There's the light, the air, the
wind blowing through the strait, the interplay between Europe and
Morocco that will never change. Tangier is indestructible."
This quotation offers proof of the writer's concluding
Will the wily Mr. Castro change with the times? He
seems to be incapable of it—incapable of abandoning his ideology
even for the sake of increasing his chances of maintaining power.
Fidel himself puts it this way. "It is the world that is changing.
Cuba will not change . . . even death will not defeat us."
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