ClearTips: Stunning sentences


Repeating a word increases its power in the sentence by forcing the reader to reconsider its meaning and that of the words that it frames or modifies.

However, let us not confuse the physical eye, that monstrous masterpiece of evolution, with the mind, an even more monstrous achievement.

Adding the wonderful monstrous transforms the meaning of masterpiece, and repeating it before achievement sets off the contrast between eye and mind and more than doubles its power in the sentence.

In this whole matter of War and Peace especially, we have been at various times and in various ways false to ourselves, false to each other, false to the facts of history and false to the future.

Chinatown is ghetto, my friends are ghetto, I am ghetto.

Already in the pace of the town, I strolled slowly, slowly, up the great wide ramp over the first fosse, once a moat, that day a long slope covered with flowers.

Note with the second slowly the tendency to read it more slowly, to stretch it out.

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