ClearWriter can help. Passionate about great writing, we’ve pored over the best essays and books to find out what distinguishes the most eloquent and powerful. And because we teach solid writing skills rather than corporate gimmicks, ClearWriter’s products are suitable for academic writing in any field.
With users from Stanford University, Washington University in St. Louis, Morehead
State University, and West Point, ClearWriter has a proven record working for students.
And at American University, our online training was one of two “textbooks” for its
Writing for Mass Communications class.
Online training—powerful strategies for solid academic writing
With ClearWriter’s online writing course library—25
interactive courses—you can learn at your own pace, anywhere in the world. You’ll
learn the fundamentals of effective writing: how to plan carefully, how to draft
eloquent and powerful paragraphs and sentences, and how to use editing techniques
to ensure appealing style and correct usage.
Put a professional editor inside Microsoft Word®
You can improve the clarity and readability of your writing immediately with
ClearEdits editing software. It offers thousands of powerful suggestions
to trim fat, choose better words, and avoid awkward constructions. You’ll edit in
a fraction of the time.