Editing software for your PC
Great writing commands respect. It can land a job; it can close a sale. It can persuade. But great writing takes time—time you often don’t have. You can slash this time with ClearEdits.
ClearEdits writing editing software, the product of 15 years of development and decades of experience, does far more than just check grammar. It is a powerful writing tool offering thousands of suggestions for more effective business writing, professional writing, and academic writing.
- Improve writing by cutting fat and reworking awkward phrases.
- Fix nearly 90% of the problems that experienced editors find on a first pass.
- Correct common errors of grammar and usage, including such often-confused words as "between/among," "which/that," and "comprise/constitute."
- Use ClearEdits with the most popular office software—Microsoft Word®.
- Try ClearEdits for free with our five-day demo.
Learn more about how ClearEdits works and its technical requirements.