ClearTips: While you write
Should all sentences in my paragraph relate to its main point?
Should the sentences in my paragraph have the same structure?
What's a good way to link the sentences in my paragraph?
Where can I make a point in my paragraph?
What kind of material should I use to support my paragraph's main point?
How do I get my reader's attention in the opening paragraph?
What are some ways to list details in a paragraph?
When can I use bullets for a list?
How can I address misconceptions or opposing views in my paragraph?
How do I present two sides of an argument?
How do I use questions in a paragraph?
Can I start a paragraph with a question?
How do I answer a question that opens a paragraph?
How do I use a series of questions?
Where is the best place to ask a question in a paragraph?
Do I have to answer the question?
How can I connect my paragraphs?
Can I repeat a word or phrase in another paragraph?
How can I extend my argument across two or more paragraphs?
What is a clear and direct way to join paragraphs?
Can I ask a question at the end of a paragraph?
Is it OK to connect paragraphs with first, second, etc.?
What if my paragraphs are in chronological order?
What should I say in the closing paragraph?
How do I know if my sentence is too long?
Is it OK to command the reader to do something?
Can I address my reader as "you"?
Is it OK to have the occasional long sentence?
When should I use an exclamation?
When should a word be italicized?
How do I treat foreign words?
Is it OK to repeat a word in a sentence?
How can sound devices help my writing?
What is alliteration?
What are the different ways of using quotations?
How do I use an indirect quotation?
Is it OK to open with a quotation?
How do I shorten a quotation?
How can I add an informal touch to a sentence?
What is the difference between commas and parentheses?
Are contractions acceptable in formal writing?
What is a compelling way to open a sentence?
How should I order lists in a sentence?
How do I use conjunctions like
What is the effect of an extra
Should I drop the
at the end of my list?
Can I start a sentence with
When do I use a semicolon?
When do I use a colon?
When should I start a sentence with
, or
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